Established in 2011 by local independent businesses,
the Chaska Downtown Business Alliance (CDBA) is a tax exempt
501c(6) Minnesota nonprofit corporation.

Our organization is led by a seven-member, all-volunteer, board of directors.

Our Mission

Create a Downtown Chaska with a vital and prosperous center of commerce that is welcoming, aesthetically pleasing and has a character unique to Chaska.

Our Priorities

Marketing and Promoting Local Businesses

The CDBA/SSD is working on several initiatives to help increase awareness of local businesses, including  ongoing website updates, using social media to further engage downtown customers, wayfinding signage, as well as supporting and hosting downtown Chaska events.


The CDBA convenes periodic informational meetings and distributes electronic newsletters to help keep local business and property owners abreast of what’s happening downtown.


With the goal of attracting customers to the downtown area, the CDBA produces and financially supports a number of events in the downtown area, including the Taste of Chaska, Chaska Farmer’s Market, Fire & Ice Bon Spiel, River City Days, and Hometown Holiday.


We strive to build a strong relationship with the City of Chaska so that we can effectively accomplish our purpose to foster the economic health and vitality of downtown Chaska.

Our Results

Downtown Chaska Master Plan

The CDBA was actively involved in the development of the city’s Downtown Master Plan (available here) which was adopted by the Chaska City Council in 2012.

The CDBA has also been engaged in the implementation process of the Master Plan, something that has helped us begin reaching our original goals to see:

  • expanded parking opportunities;
  • updated downtown infrastructure with particular emphasis on being pedestrian friendly and maintaining historic character through streetscape design and street reconstruction; and
  • storefront rehabilitation with the adoption of sign design guidelines, revised sign ordinance and funding programs.
Downtown Development

The CDBA frequently provides input on development proposals in the downtown area, including such recent projects as renovation of Firemen’s Park and the construction of the Chaska Curling Center.

The Chaska Downtown Special Service District was
established in 2014 and launched in 2015.

The Service District is a public-private partnership with the City of Chaska in which commercial property owners and businesses owners elect to make a collective contribution to the promotion, development and maintenance of their commercial district.
In a Special Service District, commercial properties are assessed a small additional service charge each year on their property tax statements.
These funds are pooled by the City and redirected to our local business association (the Chaska Downtown Business Alliance) to fund a variety of services and activities aimed directly at attracting more customers and fostering economic growth for area businesses. These services and activities are over and above what the city ordinarily provides.

Monthly Meetings:

February 2025:

January 2025:

November 2024:

October 2024:

September 2024:

August 2024:

July 2024:

June 2024:

May 2024:

April 2024: