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Bring your pets to Fireman’s Park for a fun-filled evening! Pet vendors and community pet organizations, doggie give-a-ways, doggie obstacle course, photo booth, games and MORE! Bring your dog and participate in events or just come to socialize with other dog lovers. Traveled Ground will perform until 8:00 pm.

Pet Parade

Register for the first annual Chaska Pet Parade! This pet-friendly parade will start at 6:00 p.m. at Veterans Park with the City of Chaska Parks and Recreation staff leading the way! The parade continues across the boardwalk path to Firemen’s Park.

Parade participants may come as a “Unit” – create a float or come dressed in a favorite costume, play an instrument, decorate your bikes or stroller, or bring the family pet (on a leash or in a cage). Awards and prizes will be given for the Largest Pet, the Smallest Pet, Best Costume, Best Decorated Bike and Best Overall Decoration/Unit.

Cost: $5 if registered on or by July 13; $15 if registered after July 13. 
The fees cover cost of prizes, snacks, and goodie backs for all parade participants. 

Sign up to participate in the Pet Parade
Same day registration will be available from 5:00-5:45pm Cash Only

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